One journey that completely changed my life 😊 (MLOps).

Raktim Midya
16 min readJun 27, 2020

This is my story. This is a story of a simple CSE student from a below average college, becoming capable to gain confidence of doing something meaningful in life. People say stories are fake, but for few minutes let’s think that stories can be true. Yeah, this is a real life story. Alright so let’s get started.

Note :- In this story I will tell you how my life changed within 5 months and how lucky I am. So, this story will be a little bit of longer. But I feel it will help others to get motivated. So…Here we go…Enjoy…😎

Hey Everyone, I am Raktim Midya. I know, I know it’s obvious that you don’t know me but hey, I think if you are reading my story then I should definitely tell you about myself. Soooo, I am from Midnapore, a small town in West Bengal, in India. I completed my Higher Secondary in Science and then I joined one Government Engineering College. Frankly speaking my college is not that much good. In fact when I joined Engineering in Computer Science, I had no idea about it. But somehow in my mind I knew that I love technologies more precisely software technologies. So, I joined Engineering in Computer Science. That’s it, this was my intro 🙂 (I don’t want to bore you 😅).

Now what happened after joining Engineering, let's see…

Soooo, I was in my 1st year of Engineering. Too much excited also too much frightened cause of new city, new people, engineering seniors etc. But for the initial 2 months it was a great journey. But somehow day after day I realized Computer Science Engineering is hard. Means those subjects like C programming, Data Structure, Computer Architecture etc. are not easier for me to understand. 😔

Why ?

  • 1st of all I joined CSE to learn some beautiful technologies but after I learnt few lines of code in C, I was like what the F*** 🤦‍♂ ️ is this. This is not interesting. In fact this is too much boring. Might possibility that our Education System is not that much up-to-date. Or, might be our Education System’s so called boatmen are not that much up-to-date. 🙁
  • But let’s forget those things for a moment. Cause you know if there is something bad or not expected happening in your life that means you should look around to change those things. Practically speaking I can’t change my College due to some social restrictions from my family. Also I can’t change this Education System. So, what can I do. I thought and came to one solution that I can find some other ways of learning technologies that are interesting. 😁🤟

So, I started Exploring…

I watched few free tutorials to learn more but somehow in the backend I was not satisfied. Some of my seniors told me “You should open LinkedIn to get the opportunities”. Here I would like to thank one person, that is my own self. Yeah, why I am thanking myself 🤔??? Cause I believe where ever I am today it's because of my luck and the mentality of doing something in my career. You know what, people always thank others. Infect they say whatever they are today because of someone else. Yeah, that's true. But I also believe if that person helps you that means he/she deserves 49% of your achievement. Cause you are the one who made this possible. You deserves at least 2% more than that person because of you achievement. So, I am too much grateful to myself that on right time right things or more precisely right opportunities came in front of me and I hold those opportunities. 🥳

Hold On, Hold On…

You might be thinking he will now definitely talk about MLOps and then the story ends. 😅 Nope, this story is a little bit more and I am definitely thousand percent sure that after you know about my story you will be like, “That’s a lucky person”. Yeah, might be I was lucky, might be I am lucky, might be I will be lucky. But hey, don’t take it negatively but these lucks never came to me if I was not interested in doing something other than my usual Engineering Syllabus. That’s why I always told to Everyone, don’t stop and always keep on exploring. Cause who knows in future you might be more luckier than you can think about yourself today. 😇 Let’s move on…

A New Beginning, Started Searching on LinkedIn…

First time my life changed when I joined the Engineering, and the next change happened when I joined LinkedIn. I started to see how people are doing some awesome works 😱 and how there are thousands of opportunities in LinkedIn to make your career great. For the initial 5 months I haven't done anything in LinkedIn cause that time I don't had connections also I don't had the idea that what should I post. 😶 I can still remember that the 1st post I made was of a Certificate from MATLAB and that post get 60 + views with 1 like.

But hey I am not ashamed of that cause truly that time I don’t know what to do, or how to do. Currently my posts gets on an average 100+ likes with over 5k views. But the amazing part is that, this change happened only in 2 months. Yeah it’s true and I will tell how this happened 😇…

Here is my LinkedIn Profile Link…

So, Let's start from the month February, 2020…

People say 2020 is the worst year ever. 😭But for me this year is something that completely changed me into a person about whom I never thought of. I say 2020 is the best year in my life.🌟

Why ???

Cause now I am in 2nd year of my college and I know that College Syllabus not gonna make me capable of doing a job. So, I have to find those things or I have to learn those things that will help me to build my career… From February, 2020 this journey started 😎…

Something Unexpected Happened…

One day in LinkedIn I saw one post that “RHCSE8 + Python3 free Live Training by World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga”. 😨Fun fact, that time I don't know what is RHCSA, or who is Mr. Vimal Daga. But I know one thing, in fact that time I had one strong belief that It's a free training and one “World Record Holder” is delivering the Content that means I should join it. I joined and for the 1st time I can still remember, for the first time when I heard my “Guru” Mr. Vimal Daga sir speaking “None of the technology is hard to learn cause we, the humans are the ones who made this. The only thing you required to learn one technology is right knowledge and right motivation.”😇 These two lines complete blow my mind. I truly can't explain that night after attending the Introduction session how glad I was. I knew one thing that time, that this is the right person in my life. This person will help me to become someone that I can't imagine. So, don't let this opportunity go away.🙂…

As I said earlier I was lucky. I was lucky to get the opportunity to learn under Vimal Sir. In fact that time I was completely lost in a sea called Engineering and I had no idea what to do. It will sound a little bit of Filmy but hey, we all love watching films and when someone save others from dying we feel glad. That time I was feeling glad that Vimal Sir saved my career. Moreover he taught me how to look into technologies to make things interesting. 😎…

Actually if I start to thank 🙏 Vimal Sir and Preeti Ma'am then this article will never stop cause I had seen both of them are unstoppable and they also make me unstoppable.😁 So, for now let's focus on a little bit afterwards…

COVID-19, Lockdown and Quarantine…

A little bit of flash back…

In the month of March,2020 I learnt about RedHat Linux and Python3. I was happy to learn these things cause the way Vimal Sir teaches is something that you will never find anywhere in the Globe. Next I learnt about Docker under him. This was also one topic that give me the idea that in today's world technologies are how much faster. 😱 Next in IIEC DOT (15+ hrs. live workshop) I learnt brief overview of how Artificial Intelligence works. Also In between this too much things happened and I don't want to make it too much big. That's why I am skipping few parts.😅…

Opportunity of becoming MLOps Brand Ambassador…

From here the journey of MLOps started. As I said earlier for me 2020 is the best year. Let me tell you a bit more why ???

In March, 2020 I completed my registration for “ARTH 2020”- a 45 days summer industrial training program at LinuxWorld India in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. And the best thing of “ARTH” is Vimal Sir teaches on his own about various technologies on this program. I was so much convinced by Vimal Sir’s teaching that I also purchased the train tickets earlier so that I can join the program without any hassle. But then Suddenly this pandemic happened and everything shutdown. I was definitely not happy at that time. Somehow I thought 2020 is unlucky for me.😞 But I was wrong. In fact this pandemic provides me those great things that I couldn't have any time in my life🙂🤟…

Let's see what are those things…

As I said earlier that in right time right opportunities knock me and I grab them. First opportunity after pandemic I had no college means no tension of learning some boring stuffs. Second, I came to my home and here I don't need to tension about other things that I had to think in my PG. Here my family is 24 hrs. with me, so now I can completely focus on my works. Third, this is the biggest thing - “Live Online Training on Future of Machine Learning - MLOps by World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga”. Last but not least I purchased Broadband High Speed Internet Connectivity in my home.😳😁…

So, finally I became MLOps Brand Ambassador and started posting about it on LinkedIn. That time My LinkedIn statistic was like 300+ connection, with 200+ views on my posts. But as soon as I started posting about MLOps the complete statistics of my LinkedIn profile changed. Average post views increased to nearly 1k.😨🤟…

Now, Let's talk about MLOps…

You might be thinking if my story is about MLOps then Why would I told you about those previous things. Because I want you to realize that Opportunities never came if you are not interested. So, try to find your interest and then if you search you will definitely see that there are thousands of resources. 😇Also opportunities will knock in front of you when you will work hard. I can't explain for how many time in these past two months I thought of quitting. But only one thing that just keep me alive from quitting, is my hunger of learning new things. Always belief Quitting can't be an option. You are the one who have to make it possible so keep trying like I am doing. I am also keep on learning and trying to make impossible, possible for me. Ok, Ok I got you. You might be thinking I am overwhelmed. Yeah a little bit cause it takes nearly 3 months to feel these things and that's why when I am writing this Blog, it's obvious that I will be a little bit of excited.🙂😅…

Before MLOps…

I think you already know before MLOps how much knowledge I had in this Computer Technological World. Although I would like to say again, before MLOps I knew only C & python language, little bit about Data Structure and RedHat Linux. Yeah I know it's a short list. But Chill… you will come to know how much I know currently in a few minutes.😁…

Oops, Sry….. I forgot to mention. Here is my MLOps Brand Ambassador Certificate…

During MLOps…

I would like to say one simple line about this program. “MLOps was amazing”. Yeah I mean literally I learnt too much interesting things in this journey. 😇

Fun fact Vimal Sir, never taught us like, this is the complete program structure and let’s start according to the program curriculum. He never did that. He started from very basic level. Basic means completely basic, zero level. He taught us something about one topic and after we became familiar with that topic he switched to new topic. And the best thing is that both topics are connected to each other. Like you will always find in any other Machine Learning program that they always start with Traditional ML and then keep on going until it ends.

But Vimal Sir, taught us Traditional ML for initial few days and then he switched to Computer Vision then again Traditional ML then Deep Learning and the again Traditional ML and then again Deep Learning. Also in between these he taught about DevOps tools like Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes etc. Any person will feel this is complete Madness. 😨…

But believe me this is the right method of learning. Because when you learn a single topic for a long time you will feel bored, that's why you should change the topics also in this complete process we come to know how to integrate the technologies like CNN with Jenkins & Docker or Computer Vision with Small applications etc. And this gives us the idea, how MLOps works.🤩…

I can simply write down one essay on the things I learnt on MLOps. It was nearly 150+ hrs. of learning in 2 months. But here I don’t want to write about that cause in My LinkedIn from the 1st day till the 45th day I wrote each day summery or more precisely Self Reflection. 🙂

Ok, for few minutes let's talk about Self Reflection. What is it ??? 🤔

Vimal sir taught us, “Self Reflection is like after you learn something then you should practice that and after you practice now you know what you learnt. So, write those things and it would be better if you can share with others also, so that others can learn. Always remember all the creators of the technologies believe on one thing - Sharing, more you share, more you learn and more you become successful.” Fun fact after I started writing about Self Reflection in LinkedIn posts on daily basis people starts appreciating them. I would like to share few interesting facts about this Self Reflection posts that I realized.😇

First of all you will feel more energetic after you see that your posts are getting likes and people are commenting on your posts. Secondly for the initial 1 week it will feel a little bit weird but after that it will become your habit. And after 1 month your habit will become your hobby. Thirdly when you will see that people starts liking so on next post you will feel I have to make my posts more effective and in this context within few days you will start growing in your skills.🤟👍…

Brief about the technologies I learnt in MLOps…

Note :- If you are non technical person then you can skip this column. You can start reading from the topic “Besides Learning I also get one more interesting thing”.

So, First thing first, I learnt how to write Machine Learning Codes in Python 3. Next I learnt many Data Science concepts like Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Classification & Regression, Data Preprocessing, Data Engineering and many more. I learnt about Computer Vision, Image Processing, Image Manipulation, Object Detection, Face Recognition etc. Next Sir started Traditional Machine Learning. Here I learnt about Supervised Learning, Linear & Logistic Regression, K Nearest Neighbor algorithm, K-Means classifier etc. Next I learnt about Deep Learning concepts like Neural Network, TensorFlow, ANN, CNN, RNN, Mask-RCNN etc. Also sir taught about Visualizations using Seaborn and Matplotlib, Folium etc. Some different kinds of concepts like GAN, LSTM, RBM, FNN etc. also been covered. Already I told that whatever I know that’s huge in list but I tried to tell few key points in Machine Learning. 😇

Wait, wait, wait, this is not end. I haven't told yet about the DevOps part. In DevOps I learnt about Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Git & GitHub, CI & CD Pipeline and To run these things few Linux Concepts. Although this DevOps list might sound smaller than Machine Learning but it's weight is same as the Machine Learning.

Finally I learnt the main integration part between Machine Learning and DevOps. 😁

What actually MLOps is ???

In simple term there is 2 views of it.

  • 1st we can control our Machine Learning model building process automated using DevOps. Means I will create one single Machine Learning code and then deploy that on my DevOps tools. My work is over. My DevOps tools will keep on building the model for me until it reaches that level of accuracy that I desired.
  • 2nd we can control DevOps tools using Machine Learning. Means I can teach my DevOps tool that when this kind of bugs came change these things and when other kinds of error came change these things.

After rain the integration of sunlight and water in sky creates Rainbow and it’s completely magical . Similarly there is tons of possibilities when you integrate Machine Learning with DevOps tools and you will be able to see some magics.😊…

Here are 4 tasks that I performed during MLOps Training….

Besides Learning I also get one more interesting thing…

I get the support of Community. In MLOps we all were like one team of over 1k students & professionals learning same things, sharing their knowledge and experiences and finally helping each other. Actually this community teaches me the power of helping and sharing. Cause as much as I help, I started to solve those issue that I haven't faced. But the good thing is that after solving I learn about that error and I know in future if I face that issue then I have the answer with me.👍🤟…

I also get huge apparitions during this program. For Task 1 sir selected top 5 students and I was one of them. That time lots of students Congratulated me. In fact I also get prizes from LW India. That time those things pushed me to do more hard works.💪…

Next LW conducted one voting and asked students to select them who helped them during this program. There also in top 5 slack contributors I was one of them. 😇…

Actually these small small achievements really helps you to keep on doing your works. Here I would like to share one image that I believe from the bottom of my heart.❤️…

After MLOps…

I can’t explain how much confidence I have inside my self now. I still remember those words of Vimal Sir at the 1st day of MLOps, “Just give yourself 2 months and after two months no one will be able to stop you”. Lots of good things are happening currently in my life. Now, I have a fairly good technical LinkedIn profile. I started writing articles about my works. In, LinkedIn already many people DM me and they appreciate my works. Also I completed over 35 sessions on DevOps Assembly Line Program and over 20 sessions on Hybrid Multi Cloud Program under Vimal Sir. 😊🤟

Also there are two great news. 1st Vimal Sir is going to teach “Application Development using Flutter”. 2nd Sir also told that he will teach us many more Machine Learning and DevOps core concepts in upcoming days. So, I am too much excited to learn more. Also Lockdown is keep on going so no problem from my college side. As I said previously 2020 is lucky for me.😅…

One Personal Feeling…

I don’t want to embarrass or hate anybody. But I have one small confession to make. Three months back when I told each one of my class mate about learning under Vimal Sir, they ignored me and luckily due to this lockdown sir started teaching online. During MLOps I tried my best to create awareness between them about the program but I failed. Now when they see my projects or my LinkedIn profile, few of them appreciate my hard work and it feels good. Recently I was lucky enough to get one paid internship and in fact from my college batch I am the only one who is doing an internship in 2nd year of Engineering.😎…

Last Words…

Do you think I am lucky ???? It's up to you whatever you can think.

I am a Bengali Boy. So, from my culture, Pranam Vimal Sir and Pranam Preeti Ma’am. 🙏🙏🙏

Famous Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore once wrote one beautiful song and from my heart I believe on that. I am just writing the 1st line - “ যদি তোর ডাক শুনে কেউ না আসে, তবে একলা চলো রে ” means “If no one answers your call, Then walk alone, (be not afraid) walk alone my friend”.

That's it, this was my story, now you think is it a real or not. Cause sometimes stories can be true. Thanks for reading.🙏 Feel free to comment. Signing off for now. Bye Bye … 👋



Raktim Midya

Technical Content Writer || Exploring modern tools & technologies under the domains — AI, CC, DevOps, Big Data, Full Stack etc.